Out of the Archives

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Now 100% Certified

I thought I would briefly interrupt the Amsterdam narrative to let you know that I found out this morning I passed the exam I took before I went to M&D's wedding and am now a 100%, Grade-A, Certified Archivist. Yes, I am now a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists. So, you ask, what does that mean? Well, it apparently means that I am a proficient and effective professional who demonstrates an understanding of all aspects of archival theory and practice (although, according to my test results, not so much in the professional, ethical and legal responsibilities category -- I blame it on differences in philosophy and the American-centric nature of the questions) who is committed and involved in the field. So there you are. Guess I fooled them, eh. So, you now ask, what benefit does this have. Uh...well as far as I can see there is no immediate benefit for me having the qualification. It won't allow me to advance in my current position but it can't hurt for the future, right? Plus I get to add a few more letters behind my name. Which is something...
And now back to our regular scheduled programing
MIst, C.A.


At 9:24:00 AM, Blogger selsine said...

Congrats! Here's to being certifiable!


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