Out of the Archives

and into the streets

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The most hated of all objects

I hate getting up. I really, really, 99.99% would rather stay in bed. Of course, I know I have to get up. That I can't spend my hole life in bed. But it is so nice and warm there...

My friend, Will, spent the first two weeks or so of his first year at university in bed. His rationale was that it was easier to stay in his room and sleep than deal with life. While seemingly correct, at least in the short run, it certainly is no way to deal with reality and I do not endorse this type of lifestyle.

I know I have to get up out of bed and face the world, but at that moment when the alarm goes off I really would rather just roll over. I tend to direct all my scorn at my alarm clock. "I hate you and your noise," I think and possibly mumble. I do all the things that one shouldn't do when attempting to wake up - especially hit the snooze button. Perhaps I could use a Clocky. Perhaps that would help the cause.

On Thursday I went to the Garden City for work. It seems almost inevitable that I forget something when I go away for any length of time. Hopefully it is something unimportant or that can be done without. Even though I reminded myself to pack my alarm clock, in my early morning rush to get my shit together and get out the door I forgot it. No big deal, there will be a clock in the room I am staying in, right? All too right. The clock there was the dreaded, windup type - you know, with the bells and no snooze. I despise these clocks.

They are exceptionally effective at what they do, granted. I stopped that ringing lickety-split. And while I felt I could have used a snooze button for a few more blissful minutes in bed I got out and got ready. My real issue was the ticking. All night:

How on earth do people live with these things? It is enough to drive a person mad. I don't think I would have made it though the night without my tape-player and headphones. When I woke up in the middle of the night I would have to flip the tape because I don't think I would have been able to get to sleep without the Smashing Pumpkins drowning out the sound of the clock. As much as I dislike my clock, I loathe this one. I could hear it down the hallway, as I approached the room I was sleeping in. I looked at it from the doorway and cursed its existence.

I survived the two nights with the clock. I guess there are different degrees of alarm clock evilness. Mine is run-of-the-mill evil. I tangled with the diabolical and managed to get away not too much the worse for wear. I am pretty sure that I will not forget my clock next time.


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