Out of the Archives

and into the streets

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A slow week

It has been something of a slow week - nothing really to report. Canada Day was spent pretty much in the car with no waving of flags or watching of fireworks but that is just fine by me. Went to see As You Like It in Stratford, which was pretty good. The music, provided by the Barenaked Ladies, was quite excellent and I really enjoyed the set design which used large metal ladders as trees, architectural elements and as, uh, well ladders. The play wasn't "knock your socks off" fantastic but all it all it was enjoyable.

This week, so far (and for the rest of it as far as I can tell) has been taken up by report writing which I have had enough of for the moment but since the boss is away on holidays it is nice to not be interrupted every ten minutes while doing it (I have been trying to get this thing done for ages but things keep popping up so I get a paragraph done then I am called away. Another sentence written then I am off to something else).

Really, the only reason I am posting anything at all right now is because I thought I would give Hello another shot (temperamental beast that it is) and lo and be hold. So here is a gratuitous picture of a cat (tm Selsine, all rights reserved) - Porkchop in my Return of the Jedi bag.

He may be a sorry excuse for a cat, but at least he is not THIS.
PS now that I have Hello running again, I see there is an in-blogger image tool (just click on the little photo icon) which looks super easy to use. However, it doesn't want to put my photo up...bastardo!


At 10:56:00 AM, Blogger selsine said...

Hey the pictures of my cats are anything but gratuitous, in fact they are tuitous.

At 11:19:00 AM, Blogger Rgscarter said...

According to the other OED Gratuitous, from the Latin "gratia" and first appearing in English in 1656, means "freely bestowed", which I think your pics qualify as. Of course, by 1691 it has come to mean "uncalled for, done without good reason", which, too I think suits. [Can I mention again how much I like that website?]

I am a fan of gratuitous-ness in all its varied forms so bring on the cat pics. By the way - it was nice to see Dodger getting a little face time. Strippy was certainly showing herself to the the favorite which is quite unfair to the Dooge.

At 12:34:00 PM, Blogger selsine said...

According to yer OED, tuitous means nothing. Ahem...cough...truthfully the posting of any cat picture really would have to qualify as gratuitous...I don't see how it could be any other way.

Eitherway I too am glad that the Dodge gome himself back up on the third of fourth highest rated selsine website on the planet!


At 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Rgscarter said...

Yeah, it is a non-word (notice "Woot" is on that list.) but that doesn't stop people from using it .

I think you could have a non-gratuitous cat pic - there just needs to be a reason for it. For example, saying "here is a picture of Dodger, my pick for worlds greatest cat" that would be something. If it is a Monty Python-esqe "And now for something completely different, Porkchop in all his tubby glory" then that is probably uncalled for and unnecessary.

When I google "Selsine" your blog doesn't seem to come up - what's the deal with that? You are number 1 on Yahoo (which seems better than Google at finding blogs) thanks to which you are #7 in Dogpile.

At 2:01:00 PM, Blogger selsine said...

Hmm I'm not sure, it seems as though I have been removed from the google search? Hmm weird...but I mean what can you do? Damn you google rank me! Rank me!

At 3:12:00 PM, Blogger Laura said...

i notice that too, mark as i was just searching for your blog, only to have to get to it through rod's. sad.


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