Out of the Archives

and into the streets

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A belated blogger birthday

Can you believe it? I has been a year, (hmm. now over a year. I thought my first post was on March 31st but was actually on the 9th...oh well) since I started this little repository of ramblings. It all started innocently enough - so I could post a comment on mark's blog - and since then has experience fits and starts of posting, letting you know what I've been up to, random things I've come across, and what has irritated me. You know, standard blog stuff. Even though my blogging attentions have been directed elsewhere as of late, it certainly has been an interesting experience and one that I plan to keep up for a while longer. It has been fun to look back on my past posts today and remember what i've been up to for the last 12 months. Hopefully you've enjoyed reading what i've been up to as well.


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