Out of the Archives

and into the streets

Monday, April 03, 2006

Intrepid : an adjective, a car

in·trep·id: adj : invulnerable to fear or intimidation; a means of transportation that allows me to avoid taking the bus to work.

I realized today that I hadn't posted about the most significant thing to happen to me recently - I got a car! I am now the proud owner of a 1996 Chrysler Intrepid, which you can admire above. Stunning, isn't it? Thanks to the generosity of my mum, who got a car from my nan, who got a new car, I got this automobile and now I am no longer at the mercy of Kingston Transit. It's a bit of a beast and the A/C doesn't work, but it does have a tapedeck (Rawk!) and it is all mine. What more can i ask for?


At 6:54:00 PM, Blogger Laura said...

and what a fine looking automobile it is, too.

have you given her a name yet?

At 8:23:00 AM, Blogger Rgscarter said...

no name yet. This is something you can't just decide on a whim. you are giving the car its personality. Any one got any suggestions?

i think it is about time, don't you? I guess what goes around and all that... let me see three years of rides with 9 years of interest added....it looks like i will be your chauffeur the next (let me see...carry the 2....) 10,0000 years.


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