Out of the Archives

and into the streets

Monday, May 01, 2006

Clavicles & Cleveland

Illustration by Nicolas Henri Jacob from Marc Jean Bourgery's Traité complet de l'anatomie de l'homme (1831-1854). From Anatomia 1522-1867: Anatomical Plates from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.

The strangest things will set a roadtrip in motion. Unless it is one of those aimless 'let's get in a car and go' sort of things, there is usually a reason to go somewhere. This weekend we went on a very spur of the moment trip down to Cleveland. The reason: my brother taking a rather poorly timed fall off his mountain bike, breaking his collar bone in what I can only assume were a number of pieces, since it involved some surgery, a metal plate and all the kings horses and all the kings men to put him back together again.

Since he was going to be incapacitated for a bit, what with the pain and the inability to lift stuff and all, and since his wife is about 8.75 months pregnant, we went with my mom to help out where we could.

All in all it was a pretty good trip. We were quite lucky with having great weather and little to no traffic so it was a pretty nice drive both ways. We worked in the yard (I got my first sunburn of the year: either i am building an early base or I am gonna be in trouble this year. This is why i spend most of my time inside, hiding from the sun), cooked about a months worth (give or take) of freezer-ready meals and did some shopping. Not a terrible way to spend a few days.

While it was not the weekend I had planned - well, perhaps "planned" is a bit of a stretch since I had sitting on my couch playing video games as a "planned" activity - it was nice to get down to Cleveland to see my brother even if we didn't venture too far from the house and despite the less-than-wonderful reason for the trip. Anyway, Rob, hope you take it easy for the next little while and get well soon.

In other news - Happy International Worker's Day.



At 10:37:00 AM, Blogger Rgscarter said...

heh. that would have certainly much worse...and quite confounding..


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